Read Westpack’s ESG Report 2021-2022

This entry was posted 27. September 2022

We recently released our annual ESG report. The abbreviation ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance – and it is meant to assure new and existing customers that Westpack is a trustworthy supplier and collaboration partner.

If you own a large, well-established jewellery brand with several employees and a comprehensive value chain, you are probably already familiar with ESG. But if you are an up-and-coming jewellery designer, you may need a short introduction to the concept:

Financial reports let companies document their economic activities and financial development. ESG reports are similar but focus on environmental, social, and governmental activities instead. In other words, areas such as sustainability, environmental impact, humanitarian issues, and ethical management are included.

Like many larger companies, we report our initiatives in accordance with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and we believe that ESG can coexist with a healthy, profitable business. Throughout the years, we have made continuous improvements to our ESG efforts. And this year’s report is yet again an improvement.

The report is a one-hour read if you read it cover to cover. But don’t worry: we have divided it into sections so you can find the areas of your particular interest.

Among other things, you can learn about:

  • How we discovered that fire safety should be improved at one of our Asian suppliers. In fact, we would prefer that the owner moved his factory to a new location entirely. But could we convince him?
  • How Westpack’s CO2 accounting has been improved. Among other things, you can now see data about how purchasing of raw materials contributes to emissions.
  • How we planted two trees for every container foot we shipped out of Indonesia. How many trees did we manage to donate during the fiscal year?
Veröffentlicht in: Westpack
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