Westpack is now VAT Registered in the UK
Brexit is approaching, and we want you to know that your business relationship with Westpack can continue as usual. In fact, we are coming closer to you. From January 1st, 2021, we will take care of all customs clearance, so you don’t have to worry about any paperwork.
Since the 1980s, Westpack has had a special relationship with the UK. Great Britain has been one of our most important markets for decades.
To assure a seamless transition after Brexit, we have been registered for VAT in the UK. Essentially, this new setup guarantees that trading with Westpack will be as easy as it has always been.
You can do business with Westpack as usual
Step 2:
We process your order, as usual.
Step 4:
Your order gets packed and prepared for shipment.
Step 1:
You place your order as usual and pay UK VAT.
Step 3:
We produce and print your items.
Step 5:
We take care of customs clearance and ship your order.
In other words: you do not have to think about customs clearance, paperwork, etc. - we will handle it for you!
VAT… Easy as 1, 2, 3
From December 2nd 2020 Westpack will be sending invoices to UK customers through our UK VAT registration. If you don’t have a VAT number, this means that you will pay 20% VAT (UK VAT rate) instead of 25% VAT (Danish VAT rate). In other words, you will be paying 5% less VAT from December 2nd, 2020. This will apply to all orders placed from December 2nd 2020. Orders placed before December 2nd 2020 will be invoiced as usual.
If you do have a VAT number (in the EU), the only difference will be, that Westpack takes care of UK taxes. This means that the 20% VAT will be added to the invoice you receive from us, and Westpack will pay VAT in the UK.
All in all, your cooperation with Westpack will continue the way you are used to.
What about customs clearance?
We know you are probably wondering about the customs clearance process. Again, you don’t have to worry. We will handle customs clearance smooth and safely.
As soon as Brexit becomes the new reality (on January 1st 2021), we will handle customs clearance – including all paperwork.
Things that are yet to be decided
As soon as we know the precise details of the trade agreement between the EU and the UK, we will take actions to ensure the best possible customer experience. It is still unclear whether products from Westpack are subject to customs duties.
For the same reason, we cannot say whether the delivery time will be the same as always – however, we strongly assume. Perhaps there will be some minor issues that will have to be sorted out in early January, but as soon as the new procedures are in place, we can’t think of any reason why the delivery time should be different.
As always, feel free to contact our sales team if you have any questions.
Will Westpack have an office in the UK?
No. Although we are VAT registered in the UK, we will still operate from Denmark. And you will always be communicating with the same sales representatives as you do today.
Will I now have to pay for customs clearance?
No. We take care of everything related to customs clearance of the products, and you don’t pay anything for that service.
Will custom duties be added to the products?
It does not look like it, but we will have to follow the Brexit negotiations with EU closely to get the final confirmation.
Will this mean any changes to the production of the products?
No. The production will continue without changes, and all products will be shipped from Denmark.