22 februari 2022 3909 view(s)

10% discount • free gift • goodie box

It is finally time for our ONLINE TRADE SHOW! Do you need to fill up the shelves with jewellery packaging, bags, packaging for shipment, gift-wrapping, or similar? Then our trade show discount can save you money!

As in previous years, the Trade Show takes place online. This means that it is super convenient to stop by... wherever you are! We have the same benefits and offers as if you met us at a physical trade show. But this way, you don't have to worry about travel expenses or standing in line :)

Place your order online during our trade show - the offer is valid until (and including) March 6, 2022!

Westpack's Online Trade Show

10% discount on everything
– plus a gift and a goodie box

If you place your order during our trade show, you get a 10% discount on the entire order. The discount kicks in automatically when you add items to your virtual shopping basket.

We add a cool goodie box with samples of some of our new products for spring - including our stylish jewellery pouches made from organic cotton and jewellery boxes with our new eco-friendly foam inserts.

And last but not least! You also get a trade show gift in the form of a beautiful thermal mug made from 100% recycled plastic.

Oooops... we have made a stupid mistake! 🙈

We always try to find a gift that is useful for the recipient and made from eco-friendly materials - like in this case, where the thermal mug is made from recycled plastic. To make the gift a little more personal, our graphical designer made a beautiful print to highlight the eco-friendly message, but... because there is a but...

We were SO excited when the mugs arrived... But soon after, the joy was replaced by these feelings:
😱 😭 😳 🤦 🤯 🥴 🤔 🤫

We had completely missed a typo in the graphic, which is SO unfortunate! And to be honest... We considered the possibility of simply ordering new ones and pretending it never happened!

We didn't. Instead, we chose to stand by our mistake and use the mugs anyway - throwing the mugs away would go against our eco-friendly spirit. And you know what? We tested the mug, and it works - despite the typo 😅


Did you catch the typo? It says RECYCED, but should, of course, have said RECYCLED.

Westpack's Online Trade Show

Awesome news for spring!

Spring is approaching, and the warehouse is full of exciting new products - perhaps you have already seen some of them?

Need inspiration?

You can stay up-to-date on the Online Trade Show all week and find products news and inspirational content in our newsletter.

Of course, we update our social media, where you are more than welcome to tag us in your posts.

You can find us here:
Visit us on Instagram Visit us on Pinterest Visit us on YouTube Visit us on TikTok Visit us on Facebook Visit us on LinkedIn

Westpack's Online Trade Show


Westpack's Online Trade Show

Need help?

As always, we are ready to help you find the right products - feel free to call us or send us your question via mail/chat.

Opening hours: (CET)
Monday - Thursday:  8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Open on Sunday: We are also here on Sunday (March 6) from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

The 10% discount applies to all products except custom-made items, cliché costs, freight costs, VAT, administrative charges and print fees. The discount only applies to orders placed at www.westpack.com and is deducted automatically. The offer is valid from 23/02/2022 up to and including 06/03/2022. The gift is added to any order with a value of min. 15 EUR, provided the order was placed online. We allow for a maximum of one gift per customer. The contents of the packages may vary slightly, should the presented products no longer be in stock. Westpack cannot be held liable for any printing errors and / or sold out products