
We are committed to CSR - through values, strategy and practices

Our company is based on the four values of Responsibility, Credibility, Community and Business acumen. Hence CSR is in our DNA. But to help our-selves and our vendors meet actual, measurable goals and standards, it's also in our strategy, practices and policies. Among many things Westpack has joined the United Nations Global Compact and we have adopted the obligations of several charters, regulatories and initiatives to make sure we comply with defined standards within the areas of environment, social impact, human rights and anti-corruption.

Westpack is part of the United Nations Global Compact

The world is facing major challenges in areas such as poverty, inequalities, environment and climate. It is therefore essential that we act on a global scale.

Westpack wants to be a part of the movement towards finding solutions to some of the main problems that the world is facing today and to contribute to creating a better world for everyone.

It is important for us to stay true to the purpose of CSR and what the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals are concerning the environment, social impact, human rights and anti-corruption. Each of these headlines are guided by well-defined CSR principles that we are committed to follow.

We put partnerships for the goals (SDG #17) and decent work and economic growth (SDG #8) at the center of our approach to the UN Global Compact initiative, while we also focus heavily on responsible consumption and production (SDG #12), Affordable and clean energy (SDG #7) and Life on land (SDG #15).

As for the rest of the 17 SDGs, we respect and include them all in our business decisions. We have joined together with various partners, as we believe this to be the best way for Westpack to contribute on a global scale.

We have made it a strategy to team up with people and organizations that are dedicated to solving humanitarian and environmental problems around the world. This includes partnerships with organizations such as Fairtrade®, FSC®, One Tree Planted® and 1M, to name a few.

We keep a close eye on our CSR efforts

Fact-driven and standardized reporting

By joining the UN Global Compact, Westpack has committed to report CSR activities and results according to internationally recognized standards. A reporting method that matches that of some of the absolute frontrunners within CSR, and which enables our partners to better compare Westpack with competitors in terms of CSR. With the UN Global Compact, we commit ourselves to annually report our CSR efforts and results within:


Social Impact

Human rights


Sustainable materials
and production

Westpack works continuously on providing as large a selection as possible of materials that are environmentally friendly.

In order to make our environmentally friendly products easier to spot on our website, we have created a separate label for these products: ECO. Any product that is made from FSC® or Fairtrade certified materials – or from organic, bio-degradable or recycled materials – can be found in this product category.

Our ECO brand is usually placed so that it is clearly visible on our products, as this helps our customers promote the principle of a sustainability.

More info on FSC, REACH, EUTR

FSC website

Westpack EUTR

Westpack REACH

Our business impacts people's lives

Westpack in Asia

Doing ethically sound business in Asia requires a level of diligence and prudence that is not necessary in Europe, where most of our customers are based. True to the core values of Westpack, we go to great lengths to ensure a sustainable impact on the countries in which we operate.

Westpack is a full member of amfori, which gives access to the BSCI platform. The platform is renowned for its transparency in the monitoring process. Another key advantage is the amfori Academy which provides training and e-learning to members and will allow Westpack’s staff in Asia to expand their expertise and remain up to date on CSR. The employees of our suppliers also gain access to the amfori Academy, which will further strengthen Westpack’s value chain. Although we are changing the auditing platform, we will continue our close cooperation with Bureau Veritas who will be conducting the BSCI audits for us. Bureau Veritas has been assisting us in auditing factories since 2014.

Work environment and opportunity

At Westpack, we believe that a great working environment embraces differences and encourages innovation. The well-being of our employees is, at one and the same time, a moral responsibility and an imperative necessity for running a successful business. We could not do what we do, nor would we want to, if our employees were not thriving. Many of our employees have worked at Westpack for more than 10 years, some for more than 20 years. We are proud of that fact.

Westpack has an annual profit sharing, where all employees share a fixed percentage of the profit. Everyone, from the machine operator to the key account manager, from the trainee to the accountant, gets the same amount. It has been this way since 1989. The strategic reason for the yearly profit sharing is to inspire a sense of community at the workplace. It is also done to show that every employee makes a difference.

Doing business with us

Suppliers & sub-contractors

It is Westpack’s mission to ensure that all our internal affairs are in sync with both the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals. It is equally important that we ensure continued decent CSR conduct in our supply chains. Our entire organization upholds the principles stated in the UN Global Compact and in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This applies to the entire value chain for which Westpack is responsible and has the ability to influence.

The Westpack Code of Conduct not only serves as a guideline for the business conduct, which is expected of Westpack's suppliers, but it also serves as a means of evaluating our suppliers on a continuous basis. The supplier shall allow Westpack and/or anyone representing Westpack unhindered access to production facilities, employees and to all relevant data needed to audit the supplier after the principles of SA8000. Audits may be conducted with or without prior notice.

Westpack Code of Conduct

The Westpack Code of Conduct is anchored in the values that Westpack was built on. We are committed to these values which include reliability, community and not least responsibility. These values are well in line with the standards of SA8000. Here are some key aspects of our Code of Conduct:

  • The supplier is not allowed to employ persons aged younger than 15 years.
  • The supplier shall have a worker representation policy.
  • Employment with the supplier shall not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, colour, nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation or marital status.
  • Corrupt arrangements with suppliers, government officials, or other third parties are strictly prohibited, meaning that Westpack enforces a zero-tolerance policy.
  • Working hours should be in accordance with current law. If no current law applies in the field, Westpack stipulates a maximum working day of 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week.


FSC® is the mark of responsible forestry.
Our FSC licence number is FSC®C112509.

Responsible data management

Westpack is the controller for your personal data. Read the newest personal data policy here