
The right individual elements make building up a showcase so much easier.

When you need to build up a new showcase, we recommend using our display blocks and pedestals. These versatile elements can be stacked and turned precisely the way you prefer.

Use the blocks to create a height difference in your display and add individual jewellery holders on the different tiers. This makes your jewellery display more interesting to look at.

A simple selection of a few different jewellery blocks can go a long way, as they can be arranged in multiple ways. When you change your decoration material, you can move around the individual display blocks too, so that your display gets an entirely new look, with minimal effort. Mix and match as you see fit. 

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AW19 Jewellery Display (2)

AW19 Jewellery Display (2)  
AW19 Jewellery Display (2)

The right individual elements make building up a showcase so much easier.

When you need to build up a new showcase, we recommend using our display blocks and pedestals. These versatile elements can be stacked and turned precisely the way you prefer.

Use the blocks to create a height difference in your display and add individual jewellery holders on the different tiers. This makes your jewellery display more interesting to look at.

A simple selection of a few different jewellery blocks can go a long way, as they can be arranged in multiple ways. When you change your decoration material, you can move around the individual display blocks too, so that your display gets an entirely new look, with minimal effort. Mix and match as you see fit. 

View all blocks and pedestals >